
Thursday, September 21, 2017


    Do you ever have excessive thirst? Where you simply cannot get enough to drink? And only water seems to actually quench it?

    This is a natural reaction when you are dehydrated. But, you say, you are always drinking something! How can you possibly be dehydrated?

    Not all drinks are actually hydrating to the body. Depending upon the drink, you may actually be contributing to your dehydration with the drink itself! Especially when caffeine is in the drink you are consuming!

    So, what is the best drink for curing dehydration? Plain and simple, it is water! Yep, plain old water!

    I stopped recommending tap water to everyone years ago. There are so many additives to the water coming from your tap simply to get sanitary enough to government standards for you to drink. And believe me, if you realized what chemicals are added to your public water, you would not trust it! And if you have well water, unless you live in a very, very rural area, and are certain nothing is being leeched into your well water, then I would not trust even that.

    I highly recommend distilled water for drinking. Yes, I know, that's not what you get in the store for drinking. But it is the cleanest form of water you can purchase today. It has no additives. Which is why it's the only thing safe for appliances. (Duh.... if bottled water isn't safe enough for your appliances, what makes you think it's okay for you???) Yeah, take a look at the label on your bottled water, and just see how much is added to it! Take a look, and you're even likely to see "flavoring". Since when did water need to be flavored? Especially when you don't taste any flavoring? It's to cover up the taste of the other things that are added to it!

    Want to make distilled water more palatable? Add lemon, lime, or kiwi slices. You can add fruit pieces. You can even add mint leaves, or cucumber slices! All of these will give the water a bit more of a palatable taste. Not quite as bland as just the distilled water alone.

    You should drink about 60-ounces of water daily. Limit your coffee intake to one or two cups daily. Cut out sodas, even diet sodas (these are killers!). Teas are okay, so long as you drink them plain (without sugar, which is highly addictive) if you can. I realize not everyone can drink plain tea, but at least try. Green tea is best for you, but I realize some people are not going to give up their plain old black tea for that good ol' southern sweet tea!

    When you get at least 60-ounces of water daily, you will find less arthritis pain (joints will lubricate naturally); less skin eruptions or dandruff; clearer mind; and sweeter breath (yes, when you are dehydrated, your breath becomes atrocious! Phew!).

    Okay, so let's all raise our glass of mint water and toast to each others best health!

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